Whether you are an owner of a painting business or you are an employee, you want to work with people you like – which makes a huge difference in the workplace environment. It makes a difference in terms of how you feel going to work every week and the performance that you give to the customer. So when you create employee rewards or fun employee events – it’s not just team building, it’s really trusting each other and getting to know each other better. It’s building an environment that says “I am working with my friends and I am working with people that I trust” and that only happens if you actually schedule these events. They don’t have to be complicated. You can order some pizzas, go bowling, or go to a minor league baseball game, they don’t have to be expensive. They just have to be scheduled and you need a budget for them. Fun employee events are one of the things that generally slide off the to-do list if they are not scheduled. So take advantage of events like this that can help build your business.