Free Strategy Session For Painting Contractors

Painters Staying in Touch with Past Customers

There are unlimited ways that you can stay in contact with past customers. Everyone knows that connecting with past customers and remaining visible is a very important aspect of your business. I think you should use a combination of snail mail, email, phone calls and in-person visits to constantly connect with them. Doing an annual painting warranty inspection is something I think is helpful. It shows you care about your work but it also keeps you connected with the customer for a long time.

Also when it comes to communicating with past customers, think about treating them like a friend, neighbor, or family member. What do I mean by this? You don’t have to constantly be talking to them about painting, painting industry, the nuts and bolts of doing a painting job. Most of your customers won’t care. Talking about human interests like music, sports, family, travel, and other things that interest you will receive a better response. Let them get to know you on a personal level and they are going to have a better connection with you. They will be more likely to hire you because they trust you.

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