Free Strategy Session For Painting Contractors

Leveraging Sales Reps For Your Painting Business

As a painting contractor it is important that you cultivate relationships with your sales reps from all the different manufactures you’re associated with. Utilize those relationships to benefit your company. Invite your sales rep to talk to your team of painters during a training session. They can talk about new products and new equipment that is available. You should also be making sure you are always getting the best price for painting products in your local marketplace. You want to be competitive and pass along that savings to your customers. So being able to really get value from your reps and pricing is important.

Leads are often overlooked. The sales representative is the perfect person to give you commercial leads, residential leads and even leads in your recruiting process. Use the reps when you are looking for crew leaders or new painters. To replace someone in your business your reps are sometimes vital.

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